Tag: apostles

March 25, 2020 / / Church
March 25, 2020 / / Church
January 30, 2013 / / Prophecy

As I noted in a previous post, the Old Testament contains a strong Messianic undercurrent.  In the first century, the men who followed Jesus of Nazareth claimed He fulfilled the predictions of Moses, Samuel, and those prophets who followed.  The antiquity of these documents and the faithfulness of their transmission down through the centuries assure us that the disciples of Jesus did not alter the prophecies in order to fit Jesus.  The number of instances where these Scriptures predict the life events of Jesus rules out the probability of coincidental fulfillment

April 28, 2011 / / Apologetics

Luke 6:13 records, “[Jesus] called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles….”  Where are these apostles today?  Depends on who you ask.  These original twelve apostles called by Jesus have been gone for centuries, but the religious world is certainly not without people calling themselves “apostles” today. 

October 14, 2009 / / Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood member of the godhead. Speaking from personal experience, I believe a poll of the religious community would yield a variety of answers concerning the Spirit’s identity, role, and presence. I know people who strongly assert that God’s Spirit does not dwell in Christians at all except through the implanting of His word.

March 24, 2009 / / Church

This article delves into the rich imagery found in Scripture and its significance in understanding the church’s foundation. It emphasizes the pivotal roles of the apostles, prophets, and Jesus Christ, portraying the church as a spiritual house built on divine principles. Through biblical references, we see how these elements interconnect to shape Christian belief.