The Old Law – Adult Lessons

LessonTitleBible Passage(s)Adult PDFYouTube Link
01-32"The Law" Study Guides with Table of ContentsGenesis-DeuteronomyX
1Intro to the BibleXX
2Intro to the Old Testament and the LawXX
3CreationGenesis 1:1-2:3, John 1:1-5XX
4God Makes Man and WomanGenesis 2:4-25XX
5Temptation and FallGenesis 3XX
6Cain and AbelGenesis 4XX
7NoahGenesis 6-9XX
8Tower of BabelGenesis 11XX
9JobJob 1-2, 42XX
10Abram CalledGenesis 12XX
11God's Promise to AbramGenesis 15, Galatians 3XX
12The Covenant of CircumcisionGenesis 17, Colossians 2XX
13Sodom and GomorrahGenesis 18-19XX
14Abraham Obeys GodGenesis 22, James 2XX
15Isaac Blesses JacobGenesis 27XX
16Jacob's DreamGenesis 28, John 1:43-51XX
17Jacob Works for a WifeGenesis 29:1-30:24XX
18Joseph: From Dreamer to SlaveGenesis 37XX
19Pharaoh's DreamGenesis 41XX
20Joseph and His BrothersGenesis 42-45XX
21MosesExodus 1-2XX
22The Burning BushExodus 3-4XX
23The First Nine PlaguesExodus 5-10XX
23The First Nine Plagues, pt 2X
24The PassoverExodus 11-13XX
25Crossing the Red SeaExodus 14-16XX
26Moses Receives the LawExodus 19-20, 32XX
27The TabernacleExodus 35-40XX
28The Twelve SpiesNumbers 13-14XX
29Korah's RebellionNumbers 16-17XX
30Moses Strikes the RockExodus 17, Numbers 20, 1 Corinthians 10XX
31Balaam and BalakNumbers 22-25, 2 Peter 2:15-16, Revelation 2:12-17XX
32Moses Dies, Joshua SucceedsDeuteronomy 34-Joshua 1XX