More About Belief

Faith lies at the heart of the Christian life. As the Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). However, not all Christians agree on what faith truly means. Some believe faith is simply trusting that God exists. Others see belief as emotional or personal experience without the need for action.

What is Faith?

The Bible, though, defines faith differently. In Hebrews 11:1, it says, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” We build faith on our confidence in God and trust in His promises. True faith goes beyond belief; it must be active. James 2:17 teaches, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (James 2:17).

Belief and Works

Many people misunderstand the connection between faith and works. Some believe salvation comes by faith alone, without any response. They often cite Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” While this verse shows salvation is a gift from God, it doesn’t teach that faith excludes action.

Obedience Matters

In contrast, the Bible links faith and obedience. In Mark 16:16, Jesus said, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” Faith must motivate repentance, confession of Jesus as God’s Son, and baptism into Christ (Acts 2:38).

Other groups may teach that faith is passive. However, Scripture provides examples of active faith. Noah built the ark when warned by God (Hebrews 11:7). Abraham obeyed when called to sacrifice Isaac (James 2:21-22). They acted because they trusted God’s promises.

Faith isn’t just mental belief or feeling. It’s confidence in God that drives a life of obedience. Trust His Word, and let faithful actions show your belief.

Want to Know More about Belief?

If you want to know more about faith, here are a few more resources from the website. If you have more questions about faith, or you would like to talk with someone about your walk with the Lord, please email the website editor.

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Truth and Love: Essential Pillars of the Christian Faith

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true faith

True Faith and Confession

For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Rom. 10:10)

Many people resorted to Jesus near the shore of Galilee. He fed them with five loaves and two fish; an amazing miracle! The multitude wanted to make Him a king. No wonder, He possessed power to address all manner of human need. But the crowd didn't reckon the deeper need of the spirit. Jesus rejected their effort and departed from that place.

Faith and Works 2

How do two concepts which appear contradictory work together?

Faith and Works

Do faith and works complement or contradict one another?

Continue in the Faith

Once someone is saved, they may not remain saved. To be with God, one must continue in the faith.

Faith vs Reason?

Religion vs Atheism.  Creation vs Evolution.  Science vs Religion.  Many of the great debates today are phrased in the context of Faith vs Reason.  It is assumed that faith and reason are incompatible opposites.  Caricatures of both sides are often accepted as fact.  Atheists are seen as having of no faith in anything besides themselves, living sad and worthless lives.  The religious are seen as having no capacity for reason, blindly believing the words in an ancient book, living sad and worthless lives. Neither view seems to be particularly useful as a starting point in a genuine discussion.  As such this article will seek to reframe the discussion.  Are faith and reason truly opposite viewpoints, opposing frameworks from which to view the world?  Are they mutually exclusive concepts?

Democratic Society and Temptations Against Faith

With faith comes a degree of moral certainty. This is as it should be. However, a cause for deception arises when we confuse our moral certainties with political order. The temptation is to use the gospel as a vehicle for making laws to suit ourselves. We need to be clear; moral certainty must contain the good news of salvation for all of humanity. Political order has its own set of morals because it is for the governance of a broad mix of convictions and absences of convictions. The contrast between the two moral standards is found when we compare baptism with lethal injection. 

Saving Faith?

Saving faith is sadly an integral part of many mainstream churches today. It is also deadly to people that believe it and those they teach. As a concept, it is derived from the Calvinist doctrines of Unconditional Election and Perseverance of the Saints. To sum up the concept of ‘saving faith’ in a few words; it is something that the predestined to election receive upon hearing the word.

One Faith

The New Testament writers use the word faith in broader terms than simple belief in Jesus. Following Paul's conversion, the brethren observed, "He who formerly persecuted us now preaches THE FAITH which he once tried to destroy." (Galatians 1:23)

Faith and Works

“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works Can faith save him?”  James 2:14

 This question presented in the Scriptures nearly 2,000 years ago remains for many Bible students a point of confusion and contention. What does God really require of those that seek to serve Him?  Is my faith enough, or is there something more?  Should I simply trust in God’s ability to save, or do the works of my life affect whether or not the Lord will redeem me by his grace?          


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