Archives: Episode

February 10, 2023 /
February 4, 2023 /
"Count it all joy" means to find purpose and meaning in times of trial. When trials test our faith, we can grow stronger and gain wisdom.
COC Radio Broadcast
Count it All Joy

“Count it all joy” means to find purpose and meaning in times of trial. When…

January 6, 2023 /
The Gospel Saves Podcast
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Can a Christian Live in Sin?

When Jesus meets a woman caught in adultery, He tells her to, “go and sin…

October 28, 2022 /
The Gospel Saves Podcast
The Gospel Saves Podcast
What is the Purpose of the Church?

What is the purpose of the church? Some people don’t see a need for “organized…

October 7, 2022 /
The Bible condemns narcissism. The symptoms of pride, selfishness, and a lack of empathy are all considered sins in God’s eyes.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
What Does the Bible Say About Narcissism?

Psychologists coined the term narcissism in the 1800’s. For that reason, you will not find…

September 16, 2022 /
Christians' first priority is to preach the gospel. But the apostles show us that preaching the gospel should be accompanied by good works.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Should Christians "Just Preach the Gospel?"

Should Christians “Just Preach the Gospel?” Our first responsibility to those outside of Christ is…

September 2, 2022 /
“You shall commands” in the Bible are issued side by side with the many rules about what we should not do.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
5 "You Shall" Commands

God issues “you shall commands” side by side with the many rules about what we…

April 8, 2022 /
What is godly fear? It's a healthy fear that motivates, teaches, gives us confidence, grants us an audience with God, and promises life.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
What is Godly Fear?

Godly fear is healthy and leads us to reject sin and evil. We fear falling…

February 15, 2022 /
Interpreting the Bible challenges all of us. Jesus and His apostles and prophets used command, example, and inference.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Interpreting the Bible

Interpreting the Bible challenges all of us. The Bible is a big book and parts of…

February 4, 2022 /
The Bible contrasts worldly fears vs godly fears. Worldly fears cower in secrecy, delays, leaves us without hope, and deceives.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Worldly Fear vs Godly Fear

The Bible does distinguish between good fears – or what we might call healthy fears…