Feeding a Multitude and Warning Disciples

COC Radio Broadcast
COC Radio Broadcast
Feeding a Multitude and Warning Disciples

In “Feeding a Multitude and Warning Disciples,” Jesus demonstrates his compassion for a multitude of people who have been following him for three days without food. Concerned for their well-being, Jesus decides to feed them. His disciples question how they can satisfy the crowd with bread in the wilderness. Jesus asks how many loaves they have, and they reply with seven. He commands the multitude to sit down, takes the seven loaves, gives thanks, and breaks them. His disciples serve the people. They also have a few small fish, which Jesus blesses and includes in the distribution. Miraculously, everyone eats and is filled, with seven large baskets of leftovers collected afterward. The number of people who had eaten was about four thousand. Feeding a multitude was no problem for Jesus.

Afterward, Jesus and his disciples travel to the region of Dalmanutha, where the Pharisees approach him, seeking a sign from heaven to test him. Jesus, sighing deeply, refuses to give them a sign and leaves. Later, the disciples realize they only have one loaf of bread in the boat and discuss their lack of bread. Jesus questions their reasoning and urges them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod, highlighting their misunderstanding and hardened hearts.

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Wade Stanley Written by:

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