Early in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus urges us to do well so that others “may see (our) good works and glorify (our) Father in heaven.” Whatever good we do in life should be done for the express purpose of honoring God. But it’s tempting to want a little credit for ourselves; and for some, they want all the credit so that they may be praised by men. Jesus condemns those who follow God but do their charitable deeds in order to draw attention to themselves; He calls them hypocrites. In contrast, His disciples should do well quietly, without fanfare or attempts to garner attention. He assures us that such works do not go unnoticed by God: what is done in secret will be rewarded openly.
Don’t Tell the Right Hand!
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Tagschristian motivation dont let your right hand know what your left hand is doing father who sees in secret will reward you openly giving to the needy sermon on the mount what does it mean to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing what you do in secret will be rewarded openly who sees in secret will reward you your father who sees in secret will reward you openly your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you