“Do not swear,” says Jesus, urging us to shun the practice of calling upon God to confirm our word. Do not swear because there is so little we can do to guarantee the outcome of any promise we make. Instead, we should strive to keep our word to the best of our ability.
Do Not Swear
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CategoriesChristian Character Spirituality and Morality
Tagscan you turn the other cheek do not swear do not swear an oath at all do not swear by anything bible verse do not swear by heaven do not swear by the name of god do not swear by the temple do not swear falsely by the name of the lord do not swear let your yes be yes do not swear to god bible verse how to turn the other cheek swearing turn the cheek turn the other cheek turn the other cheek meaning turning the other cheek what did jesus mean by turn the other cheek