The Gospel Saves Posts

May 16, 2021 / / Society

The Bible reveals a view of race that diverges from the view held by Western Civilization for the last five centuries. Consequently, interracial marriage is not an issue for those with a Biblical view. In fact, the primary concern for marriage from a Biblical view has nothing to do with race. Christians should concern themselves with marrying fellow Christians.

May 9, 2021 / / Church

Under the Old Law, God expected the Israelites to tithe up to three times a year. Christ mentions tithing in a few places, but early Christians did not incorporate the practice of a tithe. Instead of a tithe, early Christians gave based on their own discretion. The church used the funds to support Christian widows, the poor, gospel preachers, Christian prisoners, and those affected by calamities.

Among the assorted consequences of social media usage is one of particular importance: we have been trained to assume that anyone who holds a different or an opposing point of view has evil intent. Make no mistake: it is in the financial interests of media companies to make us hate one another. And the fault does not lie with them, it lies with us. We have allowed them to train us in the art of hatred.

Christian hope differs from hope as we use it in everyday language. The type of hope we normally speak of is wishful thinking or fantasy. Christian hope is distinct insofar as it is confident a better future awaits. Christian hope transforms our lives as we set our sights on this better future, live our lives so that we may obtain it, recognize that our lives all unfold in different ways, and realize the path forward will have obstacles. God is faithful, and so we believe Christian hope is not in vain.

April 25, 2021 / / Doctrine

What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce? The Bible records God consecrating marriage in the Garden of Eden. Under the Old Law, Moses permitted divorce and, at times, the practice of divorce was abused. By the first century, the institution of marriage was in real trouble among the Romans. Divorce was rampant. The Jews in Jesus’s day believed the Bible taught a no-fault divorce. Jesus narrowed the scope significantly, restoring marriage and divorce to their proper place.

April 18, 2021 / / Eternity

Peter was the first apostle to confess his belief in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus blesses Peter and declares “the gates of Hades shall not prevail” against His church. Like Jesus, Hades cannot hold His church. Jesus has the keys of Hades and His church will gain victory over Death and Hades in the resurrection. Contrary to what some may think, the Bible does not teach purgatory. After we draw our last breath, our destiny is fixed and our only hope is in Jesus Christ.

April 12, 2021 / / Eternity
April 5, 2021 / / Christian Character
March 29, 2021 / / Jesus Christ

In John 14:6, Jesus tells us He is the only way to God. He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus excludes all other religious founders, all other religious teachers, and all other religions with this statement. But is He right? Can we have a relationship with the divine without Jesus? Or, can we find other ways to live, other truths to heed, other ways to get to heaven?