Tag: miracles of Jesus

March 26, 2020 / / Jesus Christ
January 18, 2010 / / Apologetics

Undoubtedly, this concept is especially pertinent to Christianity and the Bible.  Why believe the Bible over other holy books and texts?  The Bible makes some very extraordinary claims about salvation and even the creation of the universe, but why should we believe it?  When we read the Bible, can we trust it to be reliable, accurate, and credible?   

April 20, 2009 / / Jesus Christ

The account of Jesus miraculously feeding five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fish is recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. John’s account alone gives us a look into the multitude’s response after they had been fed. The 6th chapter of John tells us that Jesus left the multitude after the miracle and crossed the Sea of Galilee.