One of the reasons why the way to eternal life is narrow and difficult is there are many potential distractions along the way. In the parable of the sower, Jesus reveals how the pressures of persecution, times of trial, and love for the things of this world hinder the work of the gospel in some people’s lives. He highlights a different concern in the Sermon on the Mount: Jesus warns about the influence of prophets who appear to be righteous, but under the surface, they intend to lead disciples astray.
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
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CategoriesFalse Teaching
Tagsa wolf in sheeps clothing biblical warnings about false teachers how to spot a wolf in sheeps clothing sermon on the mount warnings about false teachers warnings about false teachers in the bible what is false teachers wolf in sheeps clothing explained wolves in sheeps clothing wolves in sheeps clothing bible wolves in sheeps clothing bible verse wolves in sheeps clothing meaning