The Spirit of Prophecy

I was studying the book of Revelation last week with a brother in Christ.  As we considered the tremendous victory depicted in chapter 19, the brother leading our study pointed out a short statement at the end of verse 10, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  He rightly observed how this verse highlights the universal presence of Jesus Christ throughout prophecy. Parts of the Old Testament are incredibly old, dating back thousands of years before Jesus appeared in a Bethlehem manger.  Couple that with the four centuries of silence when inspiration ceased between Malachi and the birth of Jesus.  Then take into account how the Old Testament prophets were separated by class, geography, and time.  Despite all of these obstacles, there is a universal, Messianic undercurrent to all Old Testament prophecy.  It was Peter who said all the prophets from Moses and “Samuel and those who came after him, also proclaimed these days” (Acts 3:24).  Jesus Himself rebuked His countrymen, “You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life” (John 5:39-40).  From Moses to Malachi, the inspired men of the Old Testament predicted everything from Jesus’s appearance on earth to His crucifixion.

If the Lord wills, I plan to look at the Bible’s prophetic testimony regarding Jesus in upcoming posts.  This is a vast topic, one that I will not cover in full detail.  However, the fulfilled prophecies of Jesus are some of the most convincing and convicting pieces of testimony.  If you’re wondering whether or not you believe in Jesus, I encourage you to follow this series.  The prophetic evidence convinced me; I hope it convinces you.

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Wade Stanley Written by: