Why should I join a bunch of hypocrites? Unfortunately, hypocrites can be found in the church. Jesus took hypocrites seriously and warned against the danger of hypocrisy throughout His ministry. Hypocrites damage the reputation of the church as much, if not more, than any other sin. But sometimes what is called hypocrisy is not, in fact, hypocrisy. And we would all do well — Christian and non-Christian alike — to tend to our own lives before criticizing others. We are all sinners in need of the blood of Christ.
Why Should I Join a Bunch of Hypocrites?
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CategoriesChristian Character
Tagsall christians are hypocrites are christians hypocrites Christian hypocrisy christian hypocrisy bible verses christian hypocrisy quotes finger pointing. hippocrits how to deal with hypocrisy as a christian hypocrisy hypocrisy christian definition hypocrites hypocritical christians hypocrits judgmental judgmental christians pharisees and jesus sermon on hypocrisy in the church sermon on hypocrisy pharisee sermons on christian hypocrisy sin of hypocrisy